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The website of Andrew Hitz: Soloist, Clinician, Jupiter XO Educational Ambassador. Former tuba player for Boston Brass.

Musician | Clinician | Coach | Author
Host of "The Entrepreneurial Musician" and "The Brass Junkies"
Professor at Shenandoah Conservatory
Co-Founder of
Brass Junkies Academy
Former tuba player for Boston Brass

(Check out my new Now Page to see what I'm up to right now.)

Clinician: I have given clinics in over 30 countries and 40 states for hundreds of thousands of students as an Educational Ambassador for Jupiter Band Instruments.

The Entrepreneurial Musician: Preparing today’s musician for tomorrow’s reality through a coaching service, podcast, blog and newsletter.

TEM Coaching: I offer decisive and actionable advice for goal-oriented clients looking to make more money in the ever-changing music business.

站长工具 - 站长之家:站长工具是站长的必备工具。经常上站长工具可伡了解SEO数据变化。还可伡检测网站死链接、蜘蛛访问、HTML格式检测、网站速度测试、友情链接检查、网站域名IP查询、PR、权重查询、alexa、whois查询 …: Thoughts and resources to inspire and educate musicians and music educators. Focuses on the pedagogy and performance of music.

Band Director's Guide: Resources for band directors featuring ebooks, audiobooks, a podcast and other resources.


Andrew's Shows on the Pedal Note Media Podcast Network:

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The Entrepreneurial Musician: A podcast that empowers musical entrepreneurs by providing the tools needed to succeed in today's music business. Guests on the show have included:

  • GitHub - Tsuk1ko/SS-Collection: 常用资源汇集,仅个人 …:常用资源汇集,仅个人收集向. Contribute to Tsuk1ko/SS-Collection development by creating an account on GitHub.

  • Noa Kageyama (The Bulletproof Musician)

  • Dana Fonteneau (The Wholehearted Musician)

  • ssr free

  • Patrick Sheridan (The Breathing Gym)

  • Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser (Motivational Speaker)

  • Jeff Conner (Boston Brass)

  • Releases · shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr …:shadowsocksr-backup / shadowsocksr-csharp. Watch 284 Star 4.3k Fork 2k Code. Issues 6. Pull requests 1. Actions Projects 0; Security Insights Code. Issues 6. Pull requests 1. Projects 0. Actions. Security. Pulse Dismiss Be notified of new releases. Create your free GitHub account today to subscribe to this repository for new releases and build ...

  • 站长工具 - 站长之家:站长工具是站长的必备工具。经常上站长工具可伡了解SEO数据变化。还可伡检测网站死链接、蜘蛛访问、HTML格式检测、网站速度测试、友情链接检查、网站域名IP查询、PR、权重查询、alexa、whois查询 …

The Brass Junkies: I am joined by former Boston Brass colleague Lance LaDuke to interview the world's greatest brass players about everything from the serious to the ridiculous, just like the music business. Guests on the show have included:

  • Joseph Alessi (New York Philharmonic)

  • Carol Jantsch (Philadelphia Orchestra)

  • David Childs (International Euphonium Soloist)

  • Jennifer Montone (Philadelphia Orchestra)

  • Mark Gould (Metropolitan Opera)

  • Marty Hackleman (Formerly of Canadian Brass, Empire Brass, National Symphony Orchestra)

  • Releases · shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr …:shadowsocksr-backup / shadowsocksr-csharp. Watch 284 Star 4.3k Fork 2k Code. Issues 6. Pull requests 1. Actions Projects 0; Security Insights Code. Issues 6. Pull requests 1. Projects 0. Actions. Security. Pulse Dismiss Be notified of new releases. Create your free GitHub account today to subscribe to this repository for new releases and build ...

  • Ryan Anthony (Dallas Symphony and formerly of Canadian Brass)


Releases · shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr …:shadowsocksr-backup / shadowsocksr-csharp. Watch 284 Star 4.3k Fork 2k Code. Issues 6. Pull requests 1. Actions Projects 0; Security Insights Code. Issues 6. Pull requests 1. Projects 0. Actions. Security. Pulse Dismiss Be notified of new releases. Create your free GitHub account today to subscribe to this repository for new releases and build ...

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